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" We used this site back in 2010-ish and found a couple who adopted our embryos and had a child. We were so delighted that our embryos were given a chance for life - and to help a wonderful couple realize their dream of having a child. This was an open adoption, but the family lives many miles away, so we have not personally met the child, who now just entered Kindergarten! I am also happy that these two girls will both have biological siblings, which may be important to one or both of them one day! I highly recommend this incredibly rewarding option for giving your frozen embryos a chance ! "

G.- Florida

"As a donor embryo recipient mom, I can say I wish this website would have been available to me several years ago! Super site! Nicely done! Very informative! Thank you for your great work in helping others."

Robin - Texas

 Site Info

 New Website

 Announcement: We Are Moving To Our New Members Only Area
We are moving the members-only-area to this link: miracleswaiting.com/membersonly/
We are asking our members to create an account and a new Ad/Profile at the new website.
For everyone that is already a member, we have an option (a free option) to transfer their membership.
To do that, please go to the sign up page here: Miracles Waiting New Website Registration After you register, you will be able to select the free option, which is to "Transfer your Membership" to the new members area so you don't have to pay again for access. That option is available for existing members. Also, you will be able post a new ad/profile.
We will need to verify your account. Please use the same email you have previously used with your account at Miracles Waiting.
Please let me know if you need help with anything or if you run into any issues.


Index Ads/Profiles

Is your family complete? Are you looking into donating your remaining embryos?

Looking to start or add to your family with the help of donated embryos?

Miracles Waiting Can Help!

Miracles Waiting Can Help!

Connect with recipient families through our website from the comfort of your own home, with no geographical barriers. We have recipient families from all over the USA, looking for donated embryos.

And, our service is free for donor families!

Embryo Donor?

Connect with donor families through our website from the comfort of your own home, with no geographical barriers. We have donor families from all over the USA.

We charge embryo recipient families a one-time $150 fee. The fee provides the following: access to the website for life, the ability to contact donors with profiles available, and an initial ad/profile, which is good for a year. After that first year or after the first ad/profile expires, we charge recipients $35 to add a new profile to the website, and that profile will be good for another year.

Intended Parent?

Who needs to REGISTER?
Anyone who wants to donate or receive embryos through the Miracles Waiting Embryo Donation Program.

You need to register in order to post an embryo donor or recipient ad/profile at the Miracles Waiting Website or contact families with ads/profiles available at this website. Please choose the registration option that applies to you.

The registration process usually takes 24 – 48 hrs in order to gain access to the restricted areas of this site. You will receive an email letting you know you have access to the restricted area of the website.

About Miracles Waiting:

We are not a clinic and we also don't have embryos available for donation in storage. Our program is entirely web based and works as a matching service for donors and recipients. This allows the donors to make "known" donations and for both the donors and recipients to create the agreement and relationship they want. It is always up to the family donating the embryos who they pick for their embryos and not us.

We don’t do the matching. Most donations arranged through Miracles Waiting are known donations and, at a minimum, you will have email contact directly with the donor families.

Find Your Match!!
Embryo Donor & Recipient ADS/PROFILES

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 Our Latest Recipient and Donor Ads/Profiles
Title - Dated Location
Title: Couple wishes to bless another Couple 2023/6/8 NJ
Title: **PHOTOS ADDED** Family with PGT-A embryos would love to hel... 2023/3/27 CA
Title: 1 male embryo Chinese/European 2022/11/28 MN
Title: 7 Double Donor Embryos in Ukraine 2022/11/15 Ukraine - Colorado
Title: Waiting for our rainbow 2022/10/31 MN
Title: We've been blessed and want to bless someone else 2022/10/17 PA
Title: Six embryos for donation 2022/10/10 WA
Title: *Photos Added* Seattle family looking for loving family to a... 2022/9/14 WA
Title: Seeking a liberal pro-science family for our embryo 2022/8/30 WI
Title: **Photo Added** 1 embryo in CA 2022/8/29 CA
Title: 7 Frozen Embryos 2022/6/13 IL
Title: 5 Embryos Available 2022/5/22 NY
Title: Gay couple looking to donate 8 embryos 2022/3/24 New Jersey
Title: Beautiful Embryos in Search of Joyful & Loving Family 2021/11/16 Cancun, Mexico
Posted by paloma on 2011/12/9 23:11:00 (4987 reads)

After 10 long years of multiple IVF cycles and so many losses - our dream came true….

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Posted by paloma on 2010/9/17 9:15:00 (5437 reads)

We have been asked by Hannah Dowling (a senior at Elon University pursuing research on women's experiences with embryo donation) to post this here at the Miracles Waiting website.

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Posted by paloma on 2010/2/15 22:48:00 (4745 reads)

We have been asked by Anna Magee (a Journalist doing a feature on embryo adoption for a UK glossy magazine named Grazia) to post this here at the Miracles Waiting website.

She would like to profile a British woman who is either currently pregnant or has had a baby through embryo donation.

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Posted by paloma on 2009/7/21 20:10:00 (7048 reads)

This story "A perfect match for us on so many levels..." was sent to us by one of our members. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and send it to us so we can post it here!!!

Thank you,
The Miracles Waiting Team

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Posted by paloma on 2009/5/27 15:57:00 (5310 reads)

“I struggled for years over what to do with my embryos…. now I am resolved…… and because of MW I made a lovely connection to this amazing couple, who struggled for years with failed IVF, failed donor egg….. and who will soon be parents.” SAYS ONE OF OUR FORMER DONORS.

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Enbryo Donation Program
Miracles Waiting

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