Embryo Donor Website Subscription and Confidentiality Agreement (No Ad/Profile submission with this form)

Embryo Donor Website Subscription and Confidentiality Agreement (No Ad/Profile submission with this form)

Dear applicant,

Thank you so much for your interest in the Miracles Waiting Embryo Donation Program. We are very excited to have you! Please take a moment to complete this application for our records.

Posting an ad/profile during your registration is the easier way for donors to join Miracles Waiting. But, if you don't want to submit an ad/profile with this submission, we need a letter/email from the donor's clinic or facility where your embryos are stored, confirming they have your frozen embryos in storage with them.

Your application will be reviewed and, upon acceptance you will be given full access to the restricted area of the website (our embryo donor and recipient's profiles and forum).

You can expect to receive an email from us letting you know that you have access to the website's restricted area within 24 - 48 hours of receipt of your application.
We do NOT reject applications without contacting the applicant to discuss why they are being rejected. So if you do not hear from us within 72 hours, you can assume that there was some problem during the transmission of your application and you should contact us to let us know about the problem.

Please Note: Those using the Miracles Waiting Website cannot use Miracles Waiting to try to sell or buy embryos.

Also when donating or receiving embryos you should always seek legal representation to draw up an embryo donation contract so you can protect yourself and others involved from engaging in any unwillingly illegal transaction.
